
service times | Location

Sundays @ 10:30a | 374 N Main St., Marion, OH, 43302

Live Life On Purpose

Whether you’re someone who’s just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you can find a home here at True Life Church. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday!

You’ll find everything you need right here to get connected to True Life Church. You can use this site to check us out, listen to messages, find information on our life groups, or read about what’s going on around the church.


We live in a digital world. You want media? We have it.  Video, live-streamed and archived. Audio Podcasts of our messages. Social media, Facebook and Instagram. Stay connected. Stay informed. 



Check out our video streaming and video library .


Visit our audio posdcast page to listen to past messages.

Social Media

Visit our social media pages for the most current infromation from True Life Church


True Life’s Connection is designed to help you become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ. From the initial decision to find out more about the vision of True Life Church, to a fulfilling leadership role on our team, we will provide you with a path to experience growth and fulfillment.

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