True Life Church offers a place where children from Kindergarten through 5th grade can discover and develop a passion for God. Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are exposed to God’s Word and challenged to grow in their relationship with God.
Kids Check-In
Stop by the Kids Check-In Area before the service to register your child. During check-in, you will receive a receipt sticker. It is important that you keep track of your sticker, as this helps us know that you are the person authorized to pick up your child.
KIDSTOWN, focuses on building the foundation of faith so that children can become world changers and grow to their maximum potential. Through upbeat music, fun lessons, videos, and interactive games, children from Kindergarten through 5th Grade will come to know God more deeply and develop their faith.
Our children’s services are staffed with adults and students who are committed to teaching and ministering to your children. You can be confident that your child is well-cared for and having a great time learning about God while you worship.
KIDSTOWN is offered during every Sunday service.